by James R. Peters

Personal Goal Types

By on October 13, 2013 in Prosperity with 0 Comments

Setting and accomplishing goals is essential to the Prosperity Track. By continuously working toward something important to you, you feel energized, enabled, and empowered. By understanding the different types of goals, you can better consider and select goals for each category. There are three main categories of personal goals: internal, external, and relationship. Most people experience the greatest satisfaction when they have goals in each of these three categories.

InternalInternal goals are typically intangible and include things such as feelings, skills, behavior, knowledge, etc. These goals are unique, because they do not require the involvement or recognition of anyone else. No one has to know whether you have set or achieved an internal goal. For this reason, these goals are the most personal. Because of their unique nature, you may find it difficult to know when you have accomplished an internal goal. Consider setting milestones for skills-based internal goals. Examples of internal goals are:

  • Graduating college.
  • Becoming more self-confident.
  • Learning a new language.
  • Becoming vegan.

ExternalExternal goals typically involve tangible items or action. This may include a definitive action or a material outcome. Some people receive personal satisfaction for simply accomplishing a goal, while others receive satisfaction by receiving recognition from others. This category of goals tend to be more concrete or absolute. Because of their characteristics, external goals can be defined as complete or incomplete easier than internal goals. Examples of external goals are:

  • Losing weight.
  • Buying a home.
  • Volunteering.
  • Visiting Italy.

RelationshipRelationship goals involve others and are ongoing. Prosperous individuals find strong relationships to be important and fulfilling. Relationships are a “two way street” and take work and effort. You are limited to the number of relationships you can maintain. Pursue the relationships that most support your vision of prosperity. Many people consider their relationships to be their most prized possessions. Due to their long-term nature, relationships take the most effort and support. Examples of relationship goals:

  • Family.
  • Friendship.
  • Community.
  • Faith.

Goals can be important motivation. they can help you get out of bed, when you might have chosen otherwise. Other times, they are a reminder of what is most important to you. Setting goals is the easy part. The hard part is actually working towards achieving goals. It is much easier to accept the status quo and to continue on your current path. It takes courage and determination to change. Don’t wait until December 31st to set new goals. Think about what would improve your life and what you need to do to achieve it. Right it down and tell a friend. Telling someone else will make you immediately accountable and will improve your chances of achieving the goal.

2013 has been a fantastic year for me. I got married, published my first book, and spent a lot of time with the people that mean the most in my life. Although I achieved life changing goals in 2013, I still have high expectations for 2014. Finish 2013 strong and make to plans to achieve even greater things next year!


What have you achieved in 2013? What will next year bring?

About the Author

About the Author: James R. Peters is the author of The Prosperity Track: Energize, Enable, Empower and leads Integress Financial, where he oversees portfolio management, client financial advisory, and business strategy. With over ten years of experience managing investment portfolios and providing customized financial advice, he has personally assisted hundreds of people along their Prosperity Track. .


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